Spokane Chronicle Spokane, Washington Friday, July 26, 1985 - Page 22
Chess Player Wins Spot in Tournament
“Seattle chess wiz Yasser Seirawan has become the first American since 1973 to win a spot in the Candidate's Tournament.
Seirawan advanced to the 16-person tournament by placing second Thursday in the Interzonal Tournament in Biel, Switzerland. The Candidate's Tournament is held every two years to produce a challenger to the reigning world champion.
Seirawan is “the first serious American challenger to the world title since Bobby Fischer,” said Seirawan's chessboard confidant Jim McCormick, a national life master in chess and former seven-time Washington state champion.
Seirwan, 25, a Garfield High School graduate who ranked No. 3 in chess in the United States before the Biel event, will travel to Montpelier, France, in October for the Candidate's Tournament.